Libraries: The Free Entertainment Source and More

Libraries offer an abundance of entertainment options for every member in your household.  They also come with the added bonus of being free to the public. You will need to sign up for  a library card, which should take very little time. The local library is stocked with books from almost every genre and for all age groups.  Romance, Science Fiction, Mystery, and educational, if you can think of a topic the library will have something covering that topic, and if they don’t have it they will definitely know where to get it.  A quick perusal of the catalogue will allow you to see what is available and where the book is located within the library. If the book you are looking to check out is not within your local library, the library can request the book from a library which has the physical copy.  In situations such as this, I usually request the whole series be brought to my local library. Most libraries are willing to accomodate the request, unless there is a large queue for the requested book or series. At this point, you will need to wait until it is your turn. The library also offers a wide selection of audiobooks in a number of formats, for those who are interested.  These make wonderful additions especially when driving to and from work, on family vacations, or if you have a job which requires you to log a substantial amount of miles on the road. Audiobooks can be real boredom busters on the road, especially when traveling in areas where the radio doesn’t pick up any stations.

In addition, libraries are entering the modern era and many libraries now offer digital check out of ebooks and eaudiobooks.  This has eliminated the need to wait for a physical copy of the book to arrive in many instances and is making the library more accessible and efficient for the more technologically advanced person.  One can check out the book through apps and online, negating the necessity to travel to the library. This is wonderful for individuals that are not able to make the trip to the library due to illness, lack of transportation, or any other number of reasons, including convenience.  

Libraries also carry magazines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and a variety of other printed materials for the curious explorer of random topics, current events, or how to skills.  These are often offer in a digital format as well. The local library here in Brazos County, Texas, has you register and then download the app to begin reading. Simple, easy, and convenient.  There really is no reason to spend money on such items any longer and this means more money not spent. Translaton: Money Saved.

Most often people think of libraries as a place of books, which does them a disservice as libraries are so much more.  Libraries also carry music and videos ranging from concerts and documentaries, to albums and popular movies. Some local libraries offer movie night and fun get togethers for families and young children.  They offer a variety of classes, computer access, genealogical research, and sometimes language classes for the community. Each library caters to their community and it would be wise to check out all the fun activities and services offered at your local library.  There is truly a large plethora of books, music, videos, and a multitude of services which are offered at the local library. The library is a great place to venture to when looking for entertainment and personal enrichment. To make this whole experience even more fantastic, is the fact that the library is FREE, not a penny is needed to use the service.  That’s win when looking at budgeting and savings. Keep in mind:

“Why buy a book when you can join a library”
  ~Ricky Gervais

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